Coming soon to your imagination
Imagine Winchester is:
- a place where anything is possible.
- a place where life is kinder, fairer, more creative for everyone.
- the best place it can be and then imagine it’s even better.
Welcome to Wintopia!
Wintopia is an exciting new arts adventure.
Create and develop an interactive imaginary version of real-life Winchester inspired by art and communal creative thinking.
Throughout Feb-May 2021, Winchester residents and artists will found and build their own local Utopia through a range of arts projects combining role-play, story-telling, theatre, music, writing, design, movement, arty food, digital platforms and social media.
It's going to be fun, it's going to be playful, it's going to be seriously game-changing.
Where is Wintopia?
Wintopia will exist simultaneously online and in the real world.
It's a universe begun in lockdown, but with our sights hopefully set on bursting into life in the real world of the outdoor arts as soon as we can.
Who is Wintopia for?
If you live in, work in, come from or have any fond connections to Winchester and the district.
If you enjoy the performing and visual arts, story-telling, universe-building, role-play, social media, gaming, playing with your food, exploring how art can transform the ways we live together for the better or just the fun of creating something wonderful out of thin air and good ideas.
If you're older, younger or just not sure.
Wintopia is for you.
When is Wintopia?
Stage one of Wintopia is now under way.
But you can still be part of our online sharing event, the 1st Wintopian Council of Extraordinary Kindness on 26 May 2021, 8pm.
There you will discover the creative kindnesses of Wintopia, meet the Citizen-Artists and take part in lots of playful Wintopia activities.
You may well be inspired to become a Citizen-Artist of Wintopia yourself in the future!
Tickets are free but limited (advance booking required).

Wintopia is a Playmakers' project within the Ourtopia Universe, an original concept created by Richard Hurford, Sharon Richards & Andrew Loretto.