Louise Jordan
Pop-Up Pedestal
Pop-Up Pedestal explores the concept of statues in public spaces and social justice themes of representation, protest and gender equality.
Popping-up in the heart of communities, the pedestal invites audiences to reflect on public space from within public space and to consider what’s around them and why it matters.
Statistician Florence Nightingale is delighted to be freed from her position on the pedestal. Using a combination of game playing and discussion she poses the questions: Who deserves a place on the pedestal in 2021? How should history be presented in our towns and streets, on our plaques and memorials? What progress has taken place during the 19th & 20th centuries?
Suitable for people of all ages.
"I thought this was a GREAT, interactive, educational and thought provoking piece. I absolutely loved the artist. My favourite!"
Street performance co-created and directed by Elizabeth Crarer
Videographer/photographer: Fyrefly Studios
Supported by Arts Council England